Course curriculum

    1. Dr. Melissa Peterson - How to Thrive in Uncertain Times

    2. Emma Bell - 5 Key Strategies for Building a Better Brain

    3. Kathy Gruver - The Mind/Body Connection

    4. Kelly Fisher - End Anxiety for Good

    5. Dr. Romie Mushtaq - Medical Mindfulness for Brain Health Intro

    6. Dr. Patrick Wanis - Life Coaching to Change Behavior

    1. Dr. Rich Aplin - Activating the Recovery Mechanism in the Brain

    2. Dr. Charles Shidlofsky - Better Brains Through Vision Therapy

    3. Dr. Richa Joy - The Benefits of Integrative Medicine

    4. Dr. Russel Kort - ABCs of a Brain/Body Wellness Clinic

    5. Dr. Evan Mladenoff - You Shake It, You Break It

    6. Dr. Michael Longyear - Caring For Your Brain From TBIs to Dementia Intro.

    7. Dr. Steve Zodkoy - The Danger of Adrenal Fatigue

    1. Dr. Janet Newman - Living in the Chemical Age

    2. Jason Rozin - Can Enzymes Break Down Plaque in the Brain?

    3. Jessica Dogert - Nutrition for a Limitless Brain

    1. Dr. Joe Coppus - Flipping the Script...What Is BrainTap?

    2. Dr. Kelly Miller - The Latest on Brain Mapping Technology

    3. Dr. Cody Rall - Tech for Psych

    4. Dr. Jeffrey Fannin - Thought Genius - Brain Neuroscience

About this course

  • Free
  • 20 lessons
  • 11.5 hours of video content